TECH Support

We are working with a very well-known maritime software business to develop our own specialist guard vessel operator software and operating systems to ensure we maintain our position as a market-leader in this sector. Our system will link the DR Group network into one operating system – our fleet, support staff and engineers (via DR Marine) all under one digital roof.

Offshore | guard vessel needs

It is essential that our teams can carry out their guard and support vessel work seamlessly whilst at sea, no matter what the conditions or the mobile signal. We are developing one-touch systems that enable our offshore teams to report, communicate and problem solve efficiently and quickly.

Onshore | support team needs

HR, crew well-being, trouble shooting, emergency response… our support teams will have live access to our offshore teams to provide instant solutions to problems and to ensure their safety and well-being 24/7/365.

Onshore | engineering team needs

The engineers in our sister company DR Marine will be connected in to ensure any faults, issues, ongoing repairs or maintenance on either the vessels or the engines are dealt with immediately and efficiently.

Client reporting

Delivery reports, incident reports and any general reporting required by the client will be generated automatically.


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